AMSGNY Meetings

Fall 2017 Meeting CFP

For our Fall meeting, we will look at music criticism--past, present, and future.  The meeting will take place on Saturday, September 23rd, at the AMS national office at NYU.

We invite proposals on any aspect of music criticism.

Send 200-300 word proposals by September 1, 2017 to both and

Follow these guidelines:

1.  Put "AMSGNY Fall Meeting" in the subject line
2.  Include your name, address, phone number, e mail address in the e mail
3.  Do not include attachments; put your proposal in the e mail
4.  Make sure your proposal clearly states what YOU will be discussing--too many proposals are mostly summaries of other people's research
5.  Explain how your topic fits into the meeting's theme

If you are not an AMSGNY member, you may submit a proposal; you will need to become a member prior to the meeting.

This is the first of a number of exciting events the Greater New York Chapter has planned for this year.

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