Fall 2021 Meeting--Saturday, November 6th
0 Comments Published by AMSGNY President on Thursday, October 7, 2021 at 11:52 PM.
The Fall 2021 meeting will take place on Saturday, November 6th, via Zoom. All are welcome to attend.
The Zoom code is https://zoom.us/j/9453643107
10-11 AM 20th Century Topics
‘Disability style’ in Aaron Copland’s Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson--Shannon McAlister (University of Connecticut)
"Procession In Shout": Cecil Taylor's Staging of Adrienne Kennedy's A Rat's Mass--Michelle Aeojin Yom (CUNY Graduate Center)
11-11:15 Break
11:15-12:15 19th Century Topics
The Conflicting Conflicts of La Bohème--Jeff S. Dailey (NYU)
Johannes Brahms, Connoisseur of Graphic Art--Styra Avins (American Brahms Society)
12:15-12:30 Updates and Brief Membership Meeting
12:30-12:45 Break
12:45-1:45 French Topics
Disinformation in Mass Media: Gluck, Piccinni, and the Journal de Paris--Beverly Jerold
Wind Music in a Coal Mining Town: A Far-Reaching Tradition at the Valenciennes Conservatoire--Lacey Golaszewski (SUNY Fredonia)
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