October Meeting--Music and Shakespeare
0 Comments Published by AMSGNY President on Monday, October 14, 2013 at 10:49 PM.
The fall meeting will take place on Saturday, October 26th, at the Opera Learning Center in the Metropolitan Opera Guild's headquarters at Lincoln Center. The theme for the meeting is "Music and Shakespeare."
Here is the schedule:
12:00-12:15 Welcome
12:15-12:45 Introducing a new opera--Hamlet by Nancy van de Vate, with live performance of excerpts
12:45-2:15 1st paper session
Ren Draya - The Music in Shakespeare’s Othello
Samanatha Bassler - Music and Disability in Shakespeare
Ji Yeon Lee - Climax and Anti-Climax: Verdi's Musical Rendering of Lady Macbeth's Dramatic Narrative
2:15-2:30 Break
2:30-3:30 Panel Discussion--Using Music to Teach Shakespeare; Using Shakespeare to Teach Music
3:30-3:45 Break
3:45-5:15 2nd paper session
Alessandra Jones Massenet’s Scènes Dramatiques (1874) and the French Art of Distilling Shakespe
Jacquelyn Sholes - “Joseph Joachim’s Overture to Hamlet in Relation to Shakespeare and Liszt”
Melissa Khong - Ophelia as Creative Agency in Guillaume Lekeu’s Second Symphonic Etude
It will be held in the Opera Learning Center at 70 Lincoln Center Plaza, 6th floor. For directions, go to http://www.metguild.org/MOG/About_The_Guild/Guild_FAQ.html?TM=111menuid=118
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