Program for Winter Meeting--Funny Music
0 Comments Published by AMSGNY President on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 6:12 PM.
The winter meeting will take place on January 24th at Columbia University. Note the slightly earlier start time.
It will be held in room 622 Dodge, which is where we have met in past gatherings at Columbia.
You will need to enter from College Walk, up the steps, to the left, into the main door of Dodge, which is actually on the third floor above campus level. There will be student from Columbia in the lobby to let you in and to direct you to the right floor.
Ryan Taussig: Of Soldiers and Second Prologues: Early Comic Relief as Interpretive Frame in Claudio Monteverdi’s L’incoronazione di Poppea
Joseph Salem: Why isn’t anyone laughing? Humor in Pierre Boulez’s Penser la musique aujourd’hui
Sharon Mirchandani: Humor through Biphasic Sequence in Prokofiev’s “Ridicolosamente”
Mirna Lekic: Winking it – Humor in Claude Debussy’s La Boîte à joujoux
David Hurwitz: Héraclius Djabadary—a “Perfect Storm” of Awfulness
Joe Drew: From Caged Birds to Camel Dung: A survey of humor in Karlheinz Stockhausen’s music
Jordan Stokes: Garbo Laughs! Garbo... Emotes! Music, Humor, and the Golden-Age Comedy Soundtrack
Reba Wissner: Hearing That Old Black Magic: Humor and Fred Steiner’s Score for The Twilight Zone’s “The Bard” (1963)
S. Alexander Reed: They Might Be Giants’ Flood and Post-Coolness
The AMSGNY is thankful to the Music Department at Columbia for offering to co-host the meeting.
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